Gets whether the Font can render a character or string. The x-coordinate of the window's position in the specified display. Returns a table with the names of files and subdirectories in the specified path. Immediately renders any pending automatically batched draws. The minimum width of the window, if it's resizable. r, g, b, a = filtersettings = Source:getEffect( name, filtersettings ). Retrieves the value of a Channel message and removes it from the message queue.The value of the message can be a boolean, string, number, LÖVE userdata, or a simple flat table. Additional colors to send in case the extern is an array. The minimum amount of linear damping applied to particles. Česky – The y-component of the center point of the circle. ParticleSystem:setTangentialAcceleration( min, max ). Try to keep your shape sizes less than 10 times this scale.This is important because the physics in Box2D is tuned to work well for objects of size 0.1m up to 10m. They can be used to create the boundaries of your terrain. The name of the graphics card, e.g. coordinates = BezierCurve:renderSegment( startpoint, endpoint, depth ). This function lets you change the bindings or add new ones for types of Joysticks which aren't recognized as gamepads by default.The virtual gamepad buttons and axes are designed around the Xbox 360 controller layout. Sets a new gravity scale factor for the body. True if the cursor is grabbed, false if it is not. The display to use when entering fullscreen is chosen based on which display the window is currently in, if multiple monitors are connected.If fullscreen mode is entered and the window size doesn't match one of the monitor's display modes (in normal fullscreen mode) or the window size doesn't match the desktop size (in 'desktop' fullscreen mode), the window will be resized appropriately. The x position of the end point of the ray. Draws text on screen. The keypad '8' key on an American layout. It is recommended to create only short sounds like effects, as a 3 minute song uses 30 MB of memory this way. A table containing CanvasFormats as keys, and a boolean indicating whether the format is supported as values (taking into account the readable parameter). Additional vectors to send in case the extern is an array. Sets the sleeping behaviour of the body. Normally the same thing will be drawn on each canvas, but that can be changed if a pixel shader is used with the "effects" function instead of the regular effect.Not all computers support Canvases, and not all computers which support Canvases will support multiple render targets. This method does not reset any previously applied transformations. True if the body is allowed to sleep or false if not. only vec3's). world_x, world_y = Body:getWorldVector( local_x, local_y ). Calling the function without arguments will clear the color.The global color set with will not work on the SpriteBatch if any of the sprites has its own color. The x position of the second connecting point. The down-arrow key on an American layout. Sets the density of a Shape. Only applies to low-pass and band-pass filters. Whether shaders can use the dFdx, dFdy, and fwidth functions for computing derivatives. The y component of velocity at point (x,y). All colors need to be of the same size (e.g. Returns whether the contact is enabled. This results in smoother particle spawning behaviour than if ParticleSystem:setPosition is used every frame. triangles = love.math.triangulate( polygon ), triangles = love.math.triangulate( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3 ). Work fast with our official CLI. 简体中文 – Indices start with 1. drawable, x, y, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky ), texture, quad, x, y, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky ), drawable, transform ), texture, quad, transform ). Gets the system-dependent maximum value for a feature. Gets the settings associated with an effect. Its secondary responsibilities include loading external files (including Images and Fonts) into memory, creating specialized objects (such as ParticleSystems or Canvases) and managing screen geometry.. LÖVE's coordinate system is rooted in … A table containing CanvasFormats as keys, and a boolean indicating whether the format is supported as values. Gets the joystick's unique identifier. How to modify any stencil values of pixels that are touched by what's drawn in the stencil function. The current depth of the transform and state stack. It returns the current transformation state to its defaults. The particle system will interpolate between each size evenly over the particle's lifetime.At least one size must be specified. ), RGB with 5 bits each, and a 1-bit alpha channel (16 bpp.). fixture = love.physics.newFixture( body, shape, density ). index = Text:addf( textstring, wraplimit, align, x, y, angle, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky ), index = Text:addf( coloredtext, wraplimit, align, x, y, angle, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky ). The maximum spawn distance from the emitter along the x-axis for uniform distribution, or the standard deviation along the x-axis for normal distribution. x, y, width, height ). If this function is not used, the particles rotate around their center. The name of the renderer, e.g. Returns the contact points of the two colliding fixtures. Callback function triggered when a file is dragged and dropped onto the window. The y axis is vertical: larger values are further towards the bottom. beginContact, endContact, preSolve, postSolve = World:getCallbacks(). Whether the font can render all the UTF-8 characters in the string. The SpriteBatch data will always change between draws. width, height = Text:getDimensions( index ). Alpha blending (normal). The keypad '2' key on an American layout. data = Canvas:newImageData( slice, mipmap, x, y, width, height ), Render to the Canvas using a function.This is a shortcut to func )is the same canvas )func() RGBA data at 3.56 bits per pixel. Each vertex is initialized to {0,0, 0,0, 255,255,255,255}. Callback function triggered when the game is closed. Whether the window has mouse focus or not. Nederlands – The position of top-left corner along x-axis. The currency unit key on an American layout. The forward-slash key on an American layout. A sawtooth wave, also known as a ramp wave. love.filesystem.setIdentity( name, searchorder ). This can be used, for example, to draw repeating copies of a single background image.A SpriteBatch can be even more useful when the underlying image is a Texture Atlas (a single image file containing many independent images); by adding Quad to the batch, different sub-images from within the atlas can be drawn. True if the game is in fused mode, false otherwise. )The paths are relative to the game's source and save directories, as well as any paths mounted with love.filesystem.mount. The vertices create a series of connected triangles using vertices 1, 2, 3, then 3, 2, 4 (note the order), then 3, 4, 5 and so on. Returns an iterator for messages in the event queue. See Image for that. The 12x12 pixels per block variant of the ASTC format. A list with all contacts associated with the. Fixture:setCategory( category1, category2, ... ). Gets the number of samples per second currently being recorded. Returns the number of contacts in the world. The horizontal component of the texture coordinate. Gets a list of the Source's active effect names. mode, sharpness = Image:getMipmapFilter(). For example, the normal arrow pointer normally has its hot spot at the top left of the image, but a crosshair cursor might have it in the middle. Sets whether particle angles and rotations are relative to their velocities. success = Source:setEffect( name, enable ), success = Source:setEffect( name, filtersettings ). joint = love.physics.newRevoluteJoint( body1, body2, x, y, collideConnected ), joint = love.physics.newRevoluteJoint( body1, body2, x1, y1, x2, y2, collideConnected, referenceAngle ). enabled = RevoluteJoint:hasLimitsEnabled(). Determines whether a file can be loaded as CompressedData. The argument passed to ''require'' will be inserted in place of any question mark ('?') True if wireframe lines are used when drawing, false if it's not. it will be fully transparent. RGB with 10 bits per channel, and a 2-bit alpha channel (32 bpp.). Get the local coordinates of the polygon's vertices.This function has a variable number of return values. Gets the depth of a Volume Texture. The right-bracket key on an American layout. A sequence with the names of all files and subdirectories as strings. In version 0.10.0 and newer this is no longer the case.In versions prior to 11.0, color and byte component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. text, x, y, limit, align, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky ), text, font, x, y, limit, align, r, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky ), text, transform, limit, align ), text, font, transform, limit, align ), coloredtext, x, y, limit, align, angle, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky ), coloredtext, font, x, y, limit, align, angle, sx, sy, ox, oy, kx, ky ), coloredtext, transform, limit, align ), coloredtext, font, transform, limit, align ). Bodies are objects with velocity and position. The amount moved along the x-axis since the last time love.mousemoved was called. Gets the maximum friction force in Newtons. A numerical indexed table with the red, green and blue values as numbers. The arc is drawn from angle1 to angle2 in radians. Think of it as an invisible screen that you can draw to, but that will not be visible until you draw it to the actual visible screen. Converts a color from linear-space (RGB) to gamma-space (sRGB). This is done either with love.filesystem.setIdentity or by setting the identity field in love.conf. The x component of force to apply to the center of mass. The first joint to connect with a gear joint. For example, if this function is used with a GUID returned by a Dualshock 3 controller in OS X, the binding will affect Joystick:getGamepadAxis and Joystick:isGamepadDown for ''all'' Dualshock 3 controllers used with the game when run in OS X.LÖVE includes built-in gamepad bindings for many common controllers. The new value for the second component of the attribute. The number of sources which are currently playing or paused. xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = ParticleSystem:getLinearAcceleration(). Gets the properties of a specific attribute within a vertex in the Mesh.Meshes without a custom vertex format specified in have position as their first attribute, texture coordinates as their second attribute, and color as their third attribute. Gets the amount of linear damping (constant deceleration) for particles. Can be easily used to draw simple convex polygons. Get the local coordinates of the polygon's vertices.This function has a variable number of return values. The x component of the normal vector of the edge where the ray hit the shape. The position of the third vertex of the polygon on the x-axis. Checks whether an object is of a certain type. Sets the filter data of the fixture.Groups, categories, and mask can be used to define the collision behaviour of the fixture.If two fixtures are in the same group they either always collide if the group is positive, or never collide if it's negative. The index of the sprite that will be changed. Checks whether the particle system is paused. The maximum spawn distance from the emitter along the x-axis for uniform distribution, or the standard deviation along the x-axis for normal distribution. Discards (trashes) the contents of the screen or active Canvas. Shape position is relative to Body position. Specifies whether the two bodies should collide with each other. Callback function triggered when the system is running out of memory on mobile devices.Mobile operating systems may forcefully kill the game if it uses too much memory, so any non-critical resource should be removed if possible (by setting all variables referencing the resources to '''nil'''), when this event is triggered. Numbers to send to the extern as a vector. The y component of the position with graphics transformations applied. number = RandomGenerator:random( min, max ), number = RandomGenerator:randomNormal( stddev, mean ). The table will be filled in with the following fields: A table which will be filled in with info about the specified path. True if system is paused, false otherwise. Prior to 11.0 this method only worked on Images. The x-axis of the top-left corner of the area within the, The y-axis of the top-left corner of the area within the. The name of the vertex attribute to be checked. Gets the mode to use when the ParticleSystem adds new particles. The vertices of the polygon as a table in the form of {x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, ...}. All vectors need to be of the same size (e.g. Whether the message box should be attached to the love window or free-floating. The height of the rectangle to intersect with the existing scissor rectangle. Grabs the mouse and confines it to the window. The filter settings to use for this Source, with the following fields: True if the source should loop, false otherwise. True if the object is of the specified type, false otherwise. Creates a new Source from a filepath, File, Decoder or SoundData.Sources created from SoundData are always static. Name of the matrix to send to the shader. The end of the segment to render. formats =, formats = readable ). Sets the current X position of the mouse. RGBA data at 4 bits per pixel. Restricts the drawn vertices of the Mesh to a subset of the total.If a vertex map is used with the Mesh, this method will set a subset of the values in the vertex map array to use, instead of a subset of the total vertices in the Mesh.For example, if Mesh:setVertexMap(1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 4) and Mesh:setDrawRange(4, 6) are called, vertices 1, 3, and 4 will be drawn. Whether the alpha color component is active when rendering. Use instead. A PolygonShape is a convex polygon with up to 8 vertices. For more information, see our Privacy Statement. Range: 0.0 - 1.0. Whether this keypress event is a repeat. Values must be in the range of, The index of the first vertex to use when drawing. This can be useful if you want to use the standard io library (or something else) to read or write in the save directory. Newly created particles will spawn in an area around the emitter based on the parameters to this function. Non-integer values are floored.In versions prior to 11.0, color component values were within the range of 0 to 255 instead of 0 to 1. The y value of the surface normal vector of the shape edge. ParticleSystem:get/setTangentialAcceleration. Español – file = love.filesystem.newFile( filename ), file, errorstr = love.filesystem.newFile( filename, mode ), data = love.filesystem.newFileData( contents, name ), data, err = love.filesystem.newFileData( filepath ), contents, size, contents, error = name, size ), contents, size, contents, error = container, name, size ). An array containing boolean values indicating whether to discard the texture of each active Canvas, when multiple simultaneous Canvases are active. Sampling from a cube texture in a shader takes a 3D direction vector instead of a texture coordinate. Whether the attribute will be per-vertex or per-instance when the mesh is drawn. The second value of the 4-dimensional vector used to generate the noise value. Unpacks (deserializes) a byte-string or Data into simple Lua values.This function behaves the same as Lua 5.3's string.unpack.

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