Gar nicht so einfach: Musik, die einem gefällt, die ins Herz geht, in den Bauch, zuweilen ins Bein, oft auch in die Hand... solche Musik zu rezensieren, also ein paar treffende Worte zu finden. Four works excel among the stone and marble sculptures of this period: "Portrait of my wife", a third portrait of his wife Clara, characterized for its slightly asymmetrical features that suggest the "soft" and "hard" sides of her personality; "Guido Parpagnoli", a monumental head in red stone; "Death", in black basalt; and especially "The Unknown Political Prisoner",[26] a tragic figure carved in red stone, portraying a skull with two hands that cover its eye sockets. His nudes amount for a large percent of the total of the artist's drawings (200/500). Green stone, 52 cm. The series consists of thirty-two drawings, with different versions and studies for some of the falls. 1. Then, the metal plate was placed over a warm tar cake. Good introduction to his music . American Garage (Touchstones Edition/Original Papersleeve) [Original Recording Remastered]. Dazu die euphorischen Reaktionen des Publikums. [24] He considered Bourdelle, who had died in 1929, a genius. During this period from February 1961 to the moment of his death, Domínguez worked on three series of nudes: "Seated Nudes", "Reclining Nudes" and "Two Nudes". In 1920 Lorenzo Domínguez returned to Spain, where he would stay for the next eleven years. Occasionally, during his Tucumán period, Domínguez traveled to Resistencia, Chaco, where he met Aldo and Efraín Boglietti and Hilda Torres Varela who, along with other intellectuals, had organized a cultural center and a residence for artists, the "Fogón de los Arrieros". Periodically, Lorenzo Domínguez traveled to Buenos Aires. Spanish text available in internet: Diario de la Isla de Pascua, 1960-1961, ed. Mai 2009. Tragically I owned this on vinyl when vinyl was cheap but it has been lost. He also made 12 drawings from two other series that he would complete later: the first three drawings of the "Series of the Easter Island Torsos", a series with a total of six female torsos; and the first nine drawings of the "Series of Assorted Easter Island Themes", a series of twelve drawings of miscellaneous subjects: a ship followed by a bird that could represent the devil; a face covered by a hand and drawn with reddish soil from the Island; groups of apes or ape-men, with references to the idea of sexual potency; and the subject of flowers and fecundation. Spanish/English bilingual edition), © Library of Congress, Federica Domínguez. Unser Zahlungssicherheitssystem verschlüsselt Ihre Daten während der Übertragung. Tiempo de Piedra. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 14. 359–360. 6. Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen. [17] Cajal's group included medical professionals like García del Real, professor of pathology; Juan Negrín, a physiologist and socialist politician who would later become the last President of the Government (Prime Minister) of the Second Spanish Republic; and Pío del Río-Hortega, a famous neuro-histologist who left Spain after the Civil War, dying in Buenos Aires in 1945. Las esculturas de la Isla de Pascua, Prólogo y complementación de la obra por Clara D. de Domíguez, Estudio preliminar, nómina de sus obras y bibliografía por Diego F. Pró, Buenos Aires: Fondo Nacional de las Artes, 1968. Finally, the plate was pounded strongly and repeatedly, either with a rounded hammer or with a combination of hammer and chisel, until massive volumes emerged towards the front of the plate.[13]. He stayed a few months in Barcelona, assisting Republican groups that saved artistic treasures endangered by the civil war. Westermann, Silvia. Leider ist ein Problem beim Speichern Ihrer Cookie-Einstellungen aufgetreten. In these two drawings, Don Quixote appears with a crown of thorns or a halo, and with his hand raised in the act of blessing. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Head in hazelnut stone, approximately 40 cm. In the 1998 General Catalog these drawings have been photographed and classified in twenty-three thematic series: Standing nudes, Seated nudes, Reclining nudes, Two nudes, Via Crucis of Don Quixote, Portraits, Religious themes, Maternities, Drawings anticipating Easter Island, Stones, Mythology of Chile, Assorted themes, Moais, Make-Makes, Bird Men, Moai hands, Komaris, Easter Island torsos, Birds, the Flying Bird series, the Marine series, Easter Island stones, and Assorted Easter Island themes. In 1938 Lorenzo Domínguez returned to Europe. Easter Island Journal 1960-1961. c. Domínguez, Lorenzo. There are also eight drawings about the Chilean poet, Y100 in the 1998 General Catalog. 7. There, he continued sculpting and began teaching sculpture at the university. Notas de viajes. Tiempo de Piedra. "Lilión", a female head in green marble from Florence, is one of his masterpieces. Domínguez drew only female nudes, and they vary from the realistic to the stylized. Nur noch 7 auf Lager (mehr ist unterwegs). Artistic production: sculptures, embossed metal plates and drawings, From 1901 to 1920 (Santiago de Chile and Málaga, Spain), From 1931 to 1938 (Santiago de Chile, first period), From 1938 to 1939 (Spain, France and England), From 1939 to 1941 (Santiago de Chile, second period), From 1941 to 1949 (Mendoza, Argentina, first period), From 1956 to 1959 (Mendoza, Argentina, second period), From January 1960 to February 1961 (Easter Island, Chile), From 1961 to 1963 (Mendoza, Argentina, third period), Writings: his book on Easter Island and his Easter Island journals, Photographs: the Easter Island Domínguez Collection (University of California, Los Angeles), Selected bibliography by Lorenzo Domínguez, Selected art books with references to Lorenzo Domínguez, Articles in periodicals on Lorenzo Domínguez. Between 1941 and 1949 the artist began two series of drawings: the "Portraits Series", started with "Clara Federica", a portrait of his wife, and the "Religious Themes Series". Lorenzo Domínguez, Catálogo General, 1998 / Lorenzo Domínguez General Catalog, 1998, (Includes photographs and descriptions of the artist's works. Variation an der Kasse je nach Lieferadresse. Between 1941 and 1949 the artist added five stone carvings to the "Planetarium series" that he had started in Santiago with "Portrait of the Moon": "The Planet Venus", "The Planet Saturn", "The Milky Way", "Berenice" and "The Morning Star". The artist continued with the religious themes: "Santa Barbara", "Christ and Saint John", "Veronica", "Virgin", "The Unrepentant Thief" "Sanctity", "The Visit", and one of his masterpieces, "Jude's Kiss". In the drawing, Lorenzo Domínguez's sculpture "Barcelona" appears as homage to the victims of bombings. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile, Cf. Fast & Furious – Neues Modell. : Vorherige Seite verwandter Gesponserter Produkte, Nächste Seite verwandter Gesponserter Produkte, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 20. This last period of his life, saddened only by the death of his mother Ana, brought serene and happy years with his family, friends and students. For Lorenzo Domínguez, stone is the authentic form of expression of Latin American art: "In Chile, I realized that sculpture in the Americas should be mainly done in stone, as in pre-Columbian times".[15]. If there is a struggle, stone itself guides the sculptor's hand"[7] Of Lorenzo Domínguez's sculptures 76 are in stone or marble; 34 in bronze; 5 in wood; 9 in ceramics; 13 in cement; and 115 in plaster. La escultura moderna y contemporánea. They had three children: Federica, Lorenzo and Fernán. I must have seen him 20 times since. Cincuenta años de escultura contemporánea chilena. There are nine series of drawings from the Island: the "Series of the Moais" (29 drawings inspired by the Moai (gigantic stone sculptures of the Island)); the "Series of the Make-Makes" (32 drawings inspired by Petroglyphs of Make Make a god with big eyes who is frequently represented in Rapa Nui petroglyphs); the "Series of the Bird-Men" (17 drawings about some mythological beings, half man and half bird that symbolize the Tangata Manu - victor hero of a competition for power and for a legendary egg); the "Series of the Moai Hands" (10 drawings); the "Series of the Komaris" (7 drawings about the komari or vulva another frequent topic for Rapa Nui petroglyphs); the "Series of the Birds" (5 drawings that have the central motif of two birds facing each other with their beaks touching, thus suggesting the second title for the drawings: "The Kiss"); the "Series of the Flying Bird" (5 drawings inspired in a particular stone relief from Anakena that Lorenzo Domínguez considered the supreme masterpiece among the Island's petroglyphs: a bird, or bird-man, whose stylization was for Domínguez "a stroke of genius"); the "Marine Series" (5 drawings on a particular type of petroglyphs, engraved on the ground and depicting some sea creatures); and the "Series of the Easter Island Stones" (5 drawings of stones of remarkable shapes, including some that suggest a skull or the idea of death). Operation Walküre – Das Stauffenberg-Attentat, Ein Leben für ein Leben – Adam Resurrected, Hexe Lilli – Der Drache und das magische Buch, Henners Traum – Das größte Tourismus-Projekt Europas. Brughetti, Romualdo. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Cf. He made several portraits in plaster: "Dr. Fernando Mas Robles", the Spanish physician who was his lifetime friend; "Estelita Civit", wife of Manolo Civit, an architect from Mendoza; "Argentina Gómez Cornet", the great painter's wife; and "Irma", a portrait of Irma Aragonés, one of his wife Clara's friends. Originalteile. The previous reviews have said it all. Both drawings are called "I Know Who I Am", in reference to some intriguing words pronounced by Don Quixote in chapter V of the first part of Cervantes' novel. Februar 2017, Diese CD kaufte ich schon vor 20 Jahren und hatte sie leider verlegt und nur noch die 2. Domínguez, Lorenzo. There are also eight iron plates that belong to the series of Don Quixote's "falls": "Strangling of the Hand", "Crucifixion in Madness", "Crucifixion in Health", "Encounter with Insanity", "The Invisible Wall", "Censorship", "The Creative Hand" and "The Spoliation". Buenos Aires: Ediar, 1957, vol. There were interviews, conferences and exhibitions, particularly a large one organized in Buenos Aires at the National Museum of Fine Arts, or Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, that included drawings, embossed metal plates and enlargements of some of the photographs he had taken in Easter Island. Embossed copper plate, 65 x 50 cm. There, his friends were sculptors like Líbero Badii, Antonio Sibellino, Alfredo Bigatti, José Fioravanti, Horacio Juárez, Noemí Gerstein and Lea Lublin; painters like Emilio Pettoruti, Héctor Basaldúa, Benito Quinquela Martín, Lucio Fontana, Raquel Forner, Luis Seoane, Alfredo Guido, Ernesto Farina and Mariette Lydis; ceramists like Fernando Arranz and Tove Johansen; art critics like Jorge Romero Brest, Córdova Iturburu, Julio Payró, Roger Plá, José Luis Pagano, Lorenzo Varela, Miguel de los Santos and Romualdo Brughetti; photographers like Horacio Coppola, Grete Stern and Anatole Saderman; poets and writers like the Spanish poet Rafael Alberti and his wife, the novelist María Teresa León, the Guatemalan novelist Miguel Ángel Asturias, Nobel Prize in literature in 1967, the vanguardist authors Oliverio Girondo and Eduardo González Lanuza, and other writers and poets like Manuel Mujica Láinez, Mario Binetti and Victoria Ocampo; actors and theater people like Margarita Xirgu, Delia Garcés, Pedro López Lagar or the scenographer Gori Muñoz; the editor Gonzalo Losada; and art collectors like Víctor Bossart and Federico Vogelius. An enigmatic drawing of this period is "Self Esteem". Other drawings of this period with religious connotations are: "Saint Gemma", "Saint with Cross", and two representations of the "Virgin of Luján", conceived as the starting point for an embossed iron or a tombstone to be placed at the gravesite of the artist's mother. Güneşi Gördüm – Ich habe die Sonne gesehen, WinneToons – Die Legende vom Schatz im Silbersee, C’est la vie – So sind wir, so ist das Leben, Defiance – Für meine Brüder, die niemals aufgaben, Morgen, ihr Luschen! During his first period in Mendoza, Lorenzo Domínguez completed several new portraits in stone: two portraits of his wife, "Clara" and "Clara Federica"; "Francisco Bernareggi"; "Beatriz Capra"; "Ramón Gómez Cornet", placed at the Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes in Santiago del Estero, Argentina; "Sergio Sergi", in black granite and one of the artist's masterpieces; "Marjorie", in Carrara marble; "Federica", a first portrait of his daughter; "La Pilo", Ramón Gómez Cornet's daughter; "Zezette Dáneo", placed at the Art Department of the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo; "Paco Correas", Dr. Francisco Correas' son; "The Poet Ramponi"; "Hipólito Digiovanni", his father in-law; and "Francisco Amengual" and his wife "Dorita Zabalza de Amengual". Two monuments were dedicated "To Leandro N. Alem", a famous Argentine politician of democratic and anti-authoritarian ideas that in 1891 founded what is considered Argentina's oldest political party, the Radical Civic Union. He also carved "Cuyanita", the head of a young girl from the Argentine region of Cuyo, in Carrara marble; "Little Red Nude", in red stone; and "Miguel Servet", also in red stone, a study for a monument to the Spanish philosopher and scientist who, after discovering and describing the circulation of blood in the 16th. He returned to Argentina in February 1961. Río de Janeiro, Ministerio de Educação e Saúde, 1944. Sometimes it is fantasy itself that falls through, pulling Don Quixote along; and thus, there is a "First Shipwreck of Fantasy", a depiction of the hero's catastrophic trip in the enchanted ship; and a "Second Shipwreck of Fantasy", about another catastrophic trip on a flying horse. Geben Sie es weiter, tauschen Sie es ein, © 1998-2020,, Inc. oder Tochtergesellschaften, Besuchen Sie den Pat Metheny-Shop bei, Übersetzen Sie alle Bewertungen auf Deutsch, Lieferung verfolgen oder Bestellung anzeigen, Recycling (einschließlich Entsorgung von Elektro- & Elektronikaltgeräten). Lorenzo Dominguez, page 38. The first, a bronze sculpture, was dedicated "To Jaime Pinto Riesco", a young medicine student killed by the police on July 24, 1931, during a demonstration against Carlos Ibáñez's dictatorship (1927–1931); the second one, a large stone head "To Johann Sebastian Bach", is placed at the Parque Forestal, in Santiago; the third one is a stone monument placed at the Department of Dentistry at the Universidad de Chile, dedicated "To Dr. Germán Valenzuela Basterrica", the founder of Chile's Dental School. Between 1949 and 1956, some of the drawings about Don Quixote's falls developed into large embossed metal plates. Nana Dekanoidze is on Facebook. Other drawings of this last series are: "Condors", "Angel", "Kiss of Black and White", "Plato", and the extraordinary "Smiling Woman". Located at the campus of the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, this bronze figure reaches 2.40 m. both in arm span and in height and is a posthumous cast from the original 1947 plaster. Ver y estimar ('Look and Consider'), Buenos Aires, 1954. Santiago de Chile: Estación Mapocho, 1996, pp. Portrait of the Painter Hernán Gazmuri, Santiago, Chile, 1937. Lorenzo Domínguez's death interrupted the preparation and edition of this book. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Santiago, Chile, Cf. Also, Domínguez carved a stone monument dedicated to Santiago Ramón y Cajal that is placed at the College of Doctors, or "Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Madrid" (Santa Isabel, Nº 51, Madrid). [23] Domínguez stayed in Paris for almost a year frequenting the art workshops of Bourdelle, Brâncuși and Maillol. In the second drawing, there is a deliberate anachronism: Don Quixote falls at the doors of Barcelona, as if hit by a premonition of the Spanish Civil War. Methenys best earlier CD . Among them, "To Dr. Miguel Lillo", or "Flora" and "Fauna", is the most important with its two standing female nudes in stone, almost three meters high. [12] This is an aesthetic manifestation that is characteristic of his work. Enciclopedia del arte en América, Buenos Aires: Omeba, 1968. 359–360; Biographies I, pp. Wir geben Ihre Zahlungsdaten nicht an Dritte weiter und verkaufen Ihre Daten nicht an Dritte. 11 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 8. Februar 2016. The book also includes photographs taken by Lorenzo Domínguez of his own drawings and embossed metal plates on Easter Island themes, and some of his photographs of the Island's moais and petroglyphs. Some of these sculptures were public monuments to Santiago Ramón y Cajal,[8] to Johann Sebastian Bach,[9] to Louis Pasteur, to Dr. Luis Calvo Mackenna, to Leandro N. Alem, to José de San Martín and Bernardo O'Higgins,[10] to Dr. Miguel Lillo and to Plato. An sonst CD ist super. Via Crucis of Don Quixote Series. The third monument is an owl of wisdom, a large figure in cement that is part of the colorful "Fountain of Science". Museo Emiliano Guiñazú, Mendoza, Argentina, Cf. [27] These drawings on the subject of Don Quixote's falls are an aesthetic transposition of twenty four physical and symbolic falls suffered by Miguel de Cervantes' literary hero. This series consists of fifteen drawings depicting monumental or monster-like figures that seem spurting from the rock: the second drawing in the series, "Stone", represents the head of an animal with prominent fangs; another one, "Johann Sebastian Bach", evokes the monument in stone that the artist had completed in Chile; three drawings called "The Milky Way", evoke the artist's sculpture from the "planetarium series"; and four drawings represent the figures of Christ and the devil as blocks of stone. VCQ32 in the 1998 General Catalog. Barcelona: Labor, 1949, section 4, pp. In Tucumán the artist made three monuments for the Miguel Lillo Biology Institute, at the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Another monument from this period is the "Christ of the Resurrection".

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